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Environmental testing for mining

Environmental monitoring at mine sites

Our laboratories provide a dependable service for quality and turnaround to meet your environmental regulatory requirements and data quality objectives. We provide testing for surface water, ground water, process water, air, soil, rock and biota.

We understand that data management and seamless transfer is an important part of your environmental monitoring commitment. At ALS we are committed to being industry leaders in electronic data management for our clients. Our global systems are agnostic, to work with ALS hosted on-line platforms (ALS Solutions), third party industry platforms or client-side Electronic Data Management Systems (EDMS). This provides our clients with a digital chain from quoting to results, a long-term data warehouse, access to real time results, and notifications and alerts of exceedances.

environmental characterization

Innovative testing. Quality results.

We provide accredited testing services to meet your environmental licence and regulatory compliance requirements.  At ALS we take pride in the quality standards of our laboratories, with robust and traceable systems to meet local regulatory requirements and align to ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

These services include but are not limited to:
  • Metals and metals speciation
  • Nutrients and cyanide
  • Physical parameters and solids
  • Volatile organic compounds
  • Semi-volatile organic compounds (including explosive residues)
  • Acid mine drainage, static leach and humidity cell monitoring
  • Dust monitoring and analysis
  • Air analysis and occupational hygiene
  • Biota
  • Microbiological
  • Radiological
  • Field services and sampling (where applicable)

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