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Quality control

In-house quality control testing

ALS provides services to support in-house quality control testing and production support for lubricant blend plant facilities.

The implementation of additives to a base stock is a lengthy process and has many possible potentials for error. ALS offers testing services to ensure blend plants are maintaining a consistent level of quality and distributing a uniform product.

Companies involved in research, product development, and quality assurance can also use in-service oil analysis for application and market intelligence. Lubricant manufacturers, chemical additive companies, base oil suppliers, component manufacturers, and original equipment manufacturers all have gained insight for their respective markets using in-service oil analysis data.

The ALS advantage

ALS operates the largest global fluid analysis laboratory network. Our laboratories in Australia and North America maintain ISO and/or NATA accreditation for quality assurance and expertise. ALS can be a partner to help maximise your equipment reliability and performance.

ALS also provides comprehensive reporting and all results are made available on our web based reporting system, Webtrieve™.

 In-Service Oil Analysis for Lubricant Manufacturers and OEMs

The development of a lubricant relies on understanding the position of an existing product and how it relates to the current application and performance desires.

Data on physical performance characteristics of how base oils and additives behave under stress is initially achieved in controlled laboratory experimentation. When a product shows promise, it is manufactured and samples are trialed in the field for application feedback.

In-service oil analysis provides performance information on the base oils and additives in a wide variety of functions within lubricants.

Additive companies can assess the viability of a new or improved chemistry. Lubricant blenders can determine if their formula is robust. Component and equipment manufacturers will have vital information on reliability of the parts and components.

Lubricant Analysis for Blend Plants

ALS has professional knowledge and experience in the design and operation of in-house QA laboratories for lubricant blend plant operations.

Our trained staff can provide support for all phases of operation from build-out and staffing of the lubricant blending plant on-site testing facility to blend components and production quality testing. We can also provide assistance with trouble shooting formulation development.

Laboratory scope can be tailor-made to lubricant manufacturer’s specifications. Testing capabilities are customised for product lines in the commercial market, including transportation and industrial product applications. Testing method criteria is established to meet the narrow tolerances of specification limits required for commercial batch blends that control product quality and component formulation economics.