Turbine & industrial oil testing

Turbine & industrial oil testing

Turbine & industrial oil testing

ALS tests for various types of turbine systems used for power generation: Gas, Steam, Hydroelectric (Hydraulic), and Marine, in a dedicated environment at our accredited specialized laboratories.

Routine turbine and industrial oil testing focuses on monitoring the level of contaminants, turbine oil service life, and the operating health of the power generation equipment. View our video and learn more about our turbine and industrial oil testing.

Turbine Oil Analysis

Depending on the system, turbine oil is required to support journal and thrust bearings is expected to provide trouble free service life for 5 to 15 years. Cleanliness and good oxidation resistance is critical to the performance of these lubricants.

ALS provides testing for routine monitoring to inspect for lubricant cleanliness, contaminants, and general product integrity, as well as component wear. Quarterly and annual testing will look at oxidative and service life performance, varnish potential in the system, as well as routine tests for cleanliness, contaminants, general product integrity, and component wear.

Remaining Life Assessment of Turbine Components:

Metallurgical evaluation

Highly stressed components of steam turbine power plants can suffer from "creep" degradation due to cyclic stress and exposure to high temperatures. ALS uses metallographic techniques available to evaluate creep distress by using the correlation of microstructure of the original material to the microstructure of material in service and also by measuring hardness.

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