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Drinking/Potable water Testing Services

Ensuring your standards are met

ALS offers full-service drinking water testing services at laboratories throughout the world.

Our staff are industry experts with the expertise to provide field sampling, analysis and reporting of drinking water for an extensive list of microbiological parameters, organics, elemental and , inorganic compounds. We have field sampling equipment and laboratory instrumentation dedicated to drinking water testing and test for a full spectrum of regulated and non-regulated compounds of concern.

Highly Experienced Water Quality Experts.
Specialist Capabilities.

ALS can help design customised drinking water sampling and analysis program to suit your specific requirements because we have a deep understanding of the legislative, environmental and consumer pressures on water utilities and other drinking water providers.

Our range of drinking water services include:
  • Field Sampling (Taps, Tanks, Reservoirs, Reticulated Systems)
  • Microbiology
  • Pathogens
  • Cryptosporidium and Giardia
  • Phycology (Algae)
  • Disinfection by-products
  • General chemistry
  • Organic and inorganic chemistry
  • PFAS
  • NGS Bacterial Community Profiling
  • Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) Genes via NGS
  • Metals analyses
  • Nutrients
  • Radiology
  • Toxicology analyses
  • Microplastics
  • Automated exceedance notifications
  • Customised reporting and electronic data management systems

Service Approach and Value Added Services.

Our clients are accustomed to receiving high quality data, technical support and communication. This approach includes dedicated client managers, skilled and qualified client services teams, access to technical experts and a management team committed to service delivery.

Our clients have access to a number of value add services including:

  • Provision of appropriately preserved and labelled sampling containers
  • Provision of cooler boxes and ice bricks to facilitate sample chilling
  • Full chain of custody protocols including sample receipt notification

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