Environmental monitoring

A proactive approach

Product contamination from allergens or microorganisms, such as Salmonella and Listeria, are some of the leading causes for food safety issues and recalls. The costs involved can be significant as well as the damage in brand value and trust. Combined with workplace virus transmission, your product and workers can be at risk. From testing to Technical Services support, an Environmental Monitoring Plan, is a proactive approach to mitigate risk for your business by verifying that food safety management systems are working as intended and avoiding unnecessary costs.

Identify risk with rapid testing

ALS offers the detection of allergens, Salmonella, Listeria, E. coli O157 & COVID-19, as well as other indicator organisms, to effectively monitor your working and production environments. Specialising in rapid and molecular biology with the latest Digital, Real-Time PCR, ELISA and MALDI-TOF technologies, ALS has the right solution for your needs. Our rapid detection technologies provide highly efficient assays for the detection of allergens, Salmonella, Listeria, E. coli O157 and other microorganisms in a variety of environmental samples.

COVID-19 Surface Swabbing and Detection

ALS can help minimise Coronovirus business impacts by identifying SARS-CoV-2 on contaminated surfaces within your facility and products.

Sample analysis

Molecular test for the qualitative detection of SARS-CoV-2 in swab samples of environmental surfaces by real-time reverse transcription PCR. The nucleic acid is extracted, purified, and reverse transcribed into cDNA followed by nucleic acid amplification and detection. A positive result indicates the presence of SARS-CoV-2 genetic material.

Where to swab

Help protect your employees by identifying which surfaces in your facility may play a role in the onwards transmission of COVID-19. Identify and list common areas where employees, vendors, or clients gather or touch as they pass through your place of business.

Common surfaces include:

  • Clocking in devices
  • Restrooms
  • Doors and Handles
  • Storage areas / Shelves
  • Trolleys
  • Deli Counters
  • Food Contact Surfaces
  • Shared Equipment

Monitor, manage & control risk in your facility

Our online tool, VisuALS, provides environmental sampling results at a glance and highlights any areas in your facility that require attention. With a robust and simple method of visualising testing information, the decision making process is streamlined leading to minimised risks. Partner with ALS and receive support aligned with your requirements:

  • data trending
  • corrective actions
  • preventative controls

Technical experts & training

ALS Technical and Subject Matter Experts will work with you to design a customised Environmental Monitoring Plan for your business and facility. Our objective approach results in an effective program that indicates the true health of your environment. Your customised plan can include:

  • Webinars & Training
  • Knowledge Assessments
  • Visual standards & videos / materials for swabbing
  • Ongoing assessment and interpretation

Procedures for collection, packaging and safe transportation of biological samples according to UN3373


Sampling Instructions - Covid19

19 APR 2022

Take the next step.

Request a quote for our quality-assured analysis and sampling services, and we will get back to you in the next couple of business days.

Get in touch with us.

Have questions or comments about our services? Please send us a message and we will get in touch with you soon.


A complete solution

Our technical and subject matter experts can help and advise you, from implementation through to review and problem solving.