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Data generation

Geological Data Collection & Generation

Geological data collection is valuable in both new and mature jurisdictions. However, before the outset of further data collection campaigns, it’s sensible to ensure existing data is clean and homogenous to maximise its value. At ALS, effective project planning is vital to collect the most impactful, fit-for-purpose data layers to support downstream multivariate data analytics. Our project geologists maintain regular contact with the client team to ensure the work provided is appropriate while remaining on time and within scope and budget.


Multi-Parameter Remote Sensing

Geophysics and remote sensing data are integral inputs for robust Artificial Intelligence and data integration projects because critical information for problem-solving often occurs across different data layers. We are experts in data integration with systems that can capture Gradient Magnetics, LiDAR, U/K/Th/Cs radiometric, VLF, and RGB and NIR imagery, saving our clients money by reducing mobilisation, synergizing project logistics, and optimising productivity.