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Have questions or comments about our water quality services? Please send us a message and we will get in touch with you soon.
CONTACT USWhether you are a coal seam gas explorer, concerned about outbursts in underground mines, or have statutory requirement to deliver data on greenhouse gas emissions from open-cut mines, ALS is the leader in the provision of gas desorption services.
ALS cares about obtaining the most accurate gas result. Our geologists attend the wellsite where they capture and perform the Q2 gas measurements on the cores at site. This ensures that the most accurate early Q2 values are obtained. Our NATA accredited desorption laboratory allows samples to remain at the same consistent temperature in the field throughout the Q2 measurement process, and in the laboratory. This focus, combined with integrated off-lining, Q3 data capture and a streamline reporting process, provides ALS clients with the most accurate and robust gas desorption data.
Analytical services offered by ALS includes:
Our service offering has expanded to include on-site core preservation. The ALS mobile laboratory is fitted with a blackout photography bench to provide high resolution, color corrected photographs of core in metre lengths. Following this, the core can be preserved, boxed and placed in an on-site refrigerated contains until drilling has ceased . The container can then be shipped to the ALS cold storage unit until well data is reviewed and further analysis is required.
ALS gas services are accredited to ISO 17025 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories” by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA).
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Kundfordringar +1 281-575-2290
För din bekvämlighet och säkerhet har vi samarbetat med Westpac för att genomföra din kreditkortstransaktion. Din kreditkortsinformation kommer endast att användas för att behandla en engångsbetalning. ALS kommer att hantera och respektera dina personuppgifter i enlighet med dess integritetspolicy.
Betala med Visa, Mastercard eller American Express. Valuta behandlas i australiensiska dollar (AUD). En kreditkortsavgift på 0,8 % (Visa/MC) eller 1,5 % (AMEX) kommer att läggas till på alla transaktioner (inklusive tillämplig GST).
Denna betalningslösning är tillgänglig för alla (australiensiska) kunder med ett giltigt fakturanummer. Om du inte har ett fakturanummer, gå inte vidare utan ring:
Kundfordringar +61 7 3212 5498
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