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Logga inHämta resultat och spåra provförlopp i realtid med tillgång till utvalda digitala produkter som CoreViewer™ och ALS QCPro™.
Logga inMed denna praktiska applikation kan kunderna noggrant följa oljeanalysrapporter som pågår i realtid.
Logga inOur team of geochemists employs both innovative and classical approaches to lithogeochemical classification. We tailor workflows to your projects and your data. Deliverables commonly include project-specific classification diagrams and machine learning models that can be used and re-used by your geologists internally.
Many different types of mineral systems exhibit zoned alteration patterns due to the interaction of hydrothermal fluids with the wall rock. Expert knowledge of these lithological interactions, including the temperature and pH conditions that dictate the stability of alteration mineralogy, is critical to identifying vectors to guide the explorer to mineralisation.
Our spectral geologists have extensive experience interpreting multispectral (airborne or spaceborne) and hyperspectral (point measurements or continuous core scans) to improve understanding of the mineralogy present in your project area. The footprint of the alteration zone around a mineral deposit can be many times greater than the area of the mineralisation itself, making your target bigger and increasing the likelihood of discovery. Our advantage is using our expertise to integrate your spectral data, at any scale, with the other data streams available at your project.
Drill core scanning and down hole analyses are methods used in mineral exploration and geology to analyse drill cores for mineral composition and mineralogical information. Hyperspectral methods involve shining light of different wavelengths on the drill core and measuring the light that is reflected back, which can provide information about the mineral composition of the rock. The data obtained from hyperspectral drill core scanning can be used to identify minerals and mineral associations, determine the distribution and abundance of minerals, and make predictions about the potential for mineral deposits in the area being explored.
The effects of dilution on stream sediment data have long been recognised, and are described in a mathematical formulation that is sometimes referred to as the productivity of a catchment basin. This theoretical calculation involves numerous assumptions, such as equal erosion in all parts of the catchment and a priori knowledge of the size and grade of any exposed mineral deposit within the catchment, as well as background values of the elements of interest. Critical to these approaches is an estimate of catchment area and an understanding of catchment geology.
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