Bulk sample preparation

Imperative to do it right from the start

As with sample preparation on small parcels of ore for bench scale test work, bulk sample preparation of parcels in the realms of many tonnes to hundreds of tonnes needs to be done correctly to avoid compromising the entire downstream testwork program. Larger sample parcels, however, present a different set of challenges and require a larger range of equipment with the procedures to suit. ALS takes great pride in its bulk sample preparation capability in line with our ISO 9001 quality accreditation. We have tackled almost every conceivable preparation and blending scenario in our long history, so clients can be confident their testwork will get off to a good start.

Esmagamento a granel

Bulk sample preparation services

Bulk sample preparation essentially comes down to crushing and screening to a target crush size (in mm), followed by blending. However, when considering sample representivity and achieving high degrees of heterogeneity in the ore parcels, there can be a lot more than meets the eye at first. Especially in comparison to small parcel preparation, or conversely, industrial preparation on mine sites.

In terms of crushing and screening, ALS has a dedicated bulk crushing room centered around a double decked 1m x 2m vibrating screen whereby the screen mesh aperture panels can be changed to suit the target crush size. Product from the screen gravitates onto a conveyor to discharge into an adjacent blending room. Every crushing circuit is different commensurate with the ore, and as such, crushing circuits are arranged around the vibrating screen using a series of mobile crushers (Jaw, Cone and Rolls) of various sizes, with materials transport facilitated by mobile Sanki conveyors of various dimensions and belt types (smooth and chevron).

Crushing and Screening: The material type, characteristics and mass will predicate the circuit set-up, as follows:

Need more information or want to devise a specific bulk preparation program?

ALS has access to a full range of equipment and can also leverage of vendors for larger scale testwork.

No problem. Please contact us for further details.

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Associated testwork services

Related testwork

Bulk sample preparation always precedes other processes, both at bench scale and pilot scale that may include:

Click on the above links or contact us for further information. We can integrate a full program for you if required.