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Logga inHämta resultat och spåra provförlopp i realtid med tillgång till utvalda digitala produkter som CoreViewer™ och ALS QCPro™.
Logga inMed denna praktiska applikation kan kunderna noggrant följa oljeanalysrapporter som pågår i realtid.
Logga inAll ALS Geochemistry sites operate under a single Global Geochemistry Quality Manual that complies with ISO/IEC 17025:2017 coupled with a single, global industry leading LIMS platform.
The benefit of ALS’ truly global quality system combined with the use of an integrated laboratory information management system (LIMS) is that standard operating procedures and quality control checks can be implemented and monitored by management in real time. Controls can be implemented and required down to bench level sample preparation fineness verifications, instrument calibrations, and QC prerequisites such as allocating Certified Reference Materials.
ALS has quality control verification steps in place for all critical processes from sample receipt through data distribution. Via the ALS LIMS, this essential information is automatically captured and as each required QC check is performed triggers an approval step that must be completed prior to any further progression. All QC information can be retrieved at any time from GEMS and the high degree of visibility extends to regular, routine reviews by management and independent QC groups to ensure conformity.
Along with quality control steps applied by the ALS LIMS, the quality program includes:
The ALS LIMS is utilised at all ALS owned or managed laboratories including mine-site and preparation facilities. It is the primary driver for operating discipline and efficiency through the entire ALS Geochemistry group.
The ALS LIMS allows standardisation of analytical methods down to instrument calibrations, and QA/QC protocols; all of which are enforceable through the LIMS and ensures consistent data quality is delivered to clients regardless of where samples are processed. The global platform also allows direct oversight by senior operational management and QA/QC groups even if remote to the operating site.
The ALS LIMS allows standardisation of analytical methods down to instrument calibrations, and QA/QC protocols; all of which are enforceable through the LIMS and ensures consistent data quality is delivered to clients regardless of where samples are processed. The global platform also allows direct oversight by senior operational management and QA/QC groups even if remote to the operating site.
ALS continues to develop and improve digital tools that can help geologists make the most of their geochemical data.
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