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CONTACT USRoutine oil analysis is key to a successful predictive maintenance program, delivering cost avoidance. Companies typically spend at least 10 percent of their revenues on maintenance and equipment repair. Add to that the cost of equipment downtime, decreased productivity, and devaluation of assets, and it can easily add up to thousands, or millions, of dollars per year. Standard testing programs for equipment reliability are comprised of routine tests that can meet most service requirements.
ALS works closely with OEMs and lubricant manufacturers to establish appropriate testing parameters and alarm limits for specific equipment applications; this enables clients to make the most cost-effective decisions regarding maintenance processes and allows clients to plan maintenance based on equipment conditions rather than unplanned maintenance and downtime.
Our services do not begin and end with rapid delivery of high-quality test results for a particular sample. We work with clients from program setup through optimisation of test packages and alarm limits, to management of the data and fleet/plant health reports. We offer professional training and access to a library of technical and reference materials via our client-facing website. ALS can heighten the branding profile for OEMs, lubricant suppliers and asset reliability contractors by establishing branded reporting to our customers.
ALS’ return-on-investment (ROI) tool enables fleet/plant managers, and asset owners, to calculate the financial benefits of condition monitoring as part of an oil analysis program. We work with clients to calculate actual ROI based on financial benefits delivered by the oil analysis program, including failure cost avoidance, production uptime, warranty support and asset life extension. The tool is useful for existing customers and can also provide a business case for starting an oil analysis program.
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Kundfordringar +1 281-575-2290
För din bekvämlighet och säkerhet har vi samarbetat med Westpac för att genomföra din kreditkortstransaktion. Din kreditkortsinformation kommer endast att användas för att behandla en engångsbetalning. ALS kommer att hantera och respektera dina personuppgifter i enlighet med dess integritetspolicy.
Betala med Visa, Mastercard eller American Express. Valuta behandlas i australiensiska dollar (AUD). En kreditkortsavgift på 0,8 % (Visa/MC) eller 1,5 % (AMEX) kommer att läggas till på alla transaktioner (inklusive tillämplig GST).
Denna betalningslösning är tillgänglig för alla (australiensiska) kunder med ett giltigt fakturanummer. Om du inte har ett fakturanummer, gå inte vidare utan ring:
Kundfordringar +61 7 3212 5498
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