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Multiparameter remote sensing


Our laser scanning survey uses full waveform-LiDAR technology for topographic, forest canopy, and infrastructure mapping. The multi-target resolution provides penetration of dense foliage where this is an issue. LiDAR point density is highly customisable so that clients get the right point per square meter density based on project end goals and budget.

mpass lidar


Mapping distinct radioactive elements have value for mineral exploration, environmental baseline studies, and industrial remediation planning. Our cesium iodide systems measure (K40), uranium (U238), thorium (Th232), and cesium (Cs137). The advantage of our system is our data is less affected by variations in temperature and humidity.


Gradient magnetics

We provide extensive global services to acquire, process, interpret, and present aeromagnetic data. Collection is by modern triaxial magnetometer sensors mounted on helicopters to provide exceptional resolution. Multi-axial data produces vertical, transverse and longitudinal gradients, providing the ability to calculate additional features over traditional equipment (including horizontal and vertical measured gradients improving the interpolation between lines, particularly for structural features parallel to sub-parallel to flight lines).

gradient magnetics


Very Low Frequency Electromagnetics (VLF) is a frequency domain geophysical technology that utilises VLF signals in the 15 to 30 kHz range generally used for communication with submarines. The induced secondary signal is suitable for mapping differences in the relative geophysical conductivity and resistivity of the host rocks. Typical exploration targets include massive sulphides, structural identification for gold and groundwater.


Four-band multispectral imagery

Our 4-Band solution includes two synchronised metric calibrated cameras (RBG and Achromatic) mounted side by side. The survey generates distortion-free images and preforms fine co-registration of pixels from the NIR to the RGB images. Typical image resolution is anywhere from 3-6cm GSD. The advantage of using multiple images is that it allows us to produce Color Infrared (CIR) and Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) imagery which provides critical information for environmental monitoring.

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