Food & beverage


Technical services, audit & training solutions

Our Subject Matter Experts have a wealth of experience in both laboratory and food manufacturing environments that enable ALS to offer a comprehensive and tailored solution in the application of the HACCP principles, Food Safety Standards and Regulatory requirements.

ALS can help to develop a bespoke sampling and analysis plan for your business to meet the local and international regulations required of your product. Our team can also assist with the interpretation of your results and highlight areas of risk in your production, supply and distribution chains.

Specific training programmes, as well as customised courses, can be designed for all levels of experience within your team and be specific to your business environment and product categories.

Audit & inspection

ALS has a professional team of assessors that can provide audits and inspections based upon food safety standards or a client’s code of practice.


Labelling compliance

Our Technical Services team provide expertise to supports our client’s compliance with product labelling requirements and substantiate product claims for Food and Non-Food products.


Sensory & consumer testing

Our network of sensory facilities and experts can support your product sensory characteristics evaluation. Our teams have expertise with both Food and Non-Food products.


Webinars & training

We offer specific training programmes and customised courses on a variety of scientific topics and challenges impacting the Food & Beverage industry.


Technical experts

At the heart of our team is our technical and subject matter experts offering everything from Trouble Shooting, whether that be microbiological, allergen or chemical contamination, Analytical Risk management, as well as Authenticity and Vulnerability assessments.

Our Technical Services link seamlessly with the testing capabilities offered by ALS, providing the conduit to the global technical network and a fully integrated solution.

Need a service or solution?

If you would like our team to provide a quotation for any of the services provided by ALS, please complete the form below.

Contact the technical services team

If you need technical support or have a project or challenge, please contact the technical services team to see how we can help you.