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EPA-Certified Testing Laboratories for Environmental Monitoring and Compliance

Comprehensive groundwater monitoring, soil testing, and leachate testing services for environmental waste projects using EPA-approved methods.


Groundwater Monitoring

ALS provides comprehensive groundwater monitoring services to ensure regulatory compliance and environmental safety. With our extensive lab network, we offer a range of testing methods tailored to meet specific project needs, including additional methods beyond the most common listed here.

Compliance Focus:

  • Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA): Compliance through groundwater quality assessment using EPA Methods 200.7, 200.8 and 245.1 (metals), 524.2 (volatile organic compounds), and 525.2 (semi-volatile organic compounds).
  • CERCLA/Superfund: Groundwater monitoring for hazardous substances, using EPA Methods 8260 and 8270.
  • PFAS Testing: Advanced PFAS analysis (EPA Method 1633 and 537.1) for comprehensive environmental monitoring.


groundwater monitoring


Soil Testing

ALS offers extensive soil testing services to assess contamination and guide remediation efforts. Our labs provide precise results to meet regulatory standards, with a wide array of methods available, including those most commonly used in environmental compliance.

Compliance Focus:

  • RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act): Soil analysis for hazardous waste classification, utilizing EPA Method 1311 (TCLP) and Method 8260 for volatile organic compounds.
  • CERCLA: Soil contamination assessment using EPA Method 8270 for semi-volatile organic compounds and Method 8081B for organochlorine pesticides.
  • PFAS Testing: Targeted soil analysis for PFAS contamination using EPA Method 1633 and ASTM 8421.



Leachate Testing

ALS leachate testing services deliver accurate data to manage and mitigate the environmental impact of waste disposal. We support compliance with a variety of methods, including those listed here and others tailored to specific project requirements

Compliance Focus:

  • RCRA: Leachate testing for hazardous waste management via EPA Method 1311 (TCLP).
  • CWA (Clean Water Act): Ensuring leachate discharge meets water quality standards, utilizing EPA Methods 200.7, 200.8, 608.3, 624 and 625 for priority pollutants.
  • PFAS Testing: Specific leachate analysis for PFAS contamination with EPA Method 1633, ensuring long-term environmental protection.


leachate testing

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