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Oil analysis

Mobile fleet oil analysis

With our effective oil testing programs, ALS can help you achieve maximum life and minimum operating cost for your over-the-road, construction, mining, production or other mobile fleet.

Whether you want to optimise oil drains, reduce downtime, increase equipment availability, or monitor engine drive train hydraulics and lubricant performance, ALS has the testing solutions to support and help improve your maintenance practices.


Industrial applications

The value of oil analysis extends beyond mobile fleet, as any asset or component that is critical to your overall operation should be monitored periodically. ALS has testing solutions for critical fixed assets that are used in industrial sectors such as power generation, mining, manufacturing, construction and oil & gas. Specific test packages are used for components such as gear sets, backup generators, transformers, turbines and hydraulic, for example. Regardless of industry or need, ALS will work with you to support and help improve your overall maintenance goals.


Advanced oil analysis

Often with oil analysis testing programs more in depth testing or services are needed beyond standard test packages. ALS is equipped with industry leading laboratories that can provide more advanced specialty testing such as microscopic wear metal analysis, Varnish Potential, Foam Test, Rust Test, Water Separability, and other industrial applications.


Aviation Oil Analysis

ALS’ Aviation Oil Analysis (AOA) program is designed specifically for aircraft owners and maintenance personnel. ALS has been providing oil analysis services for aviation through our dedicated testing facility for more than 40 years. With our aircraft tracking system, data is tracked by tail number and retained whenever owners change.


Oil testing cost benefits

Oil testing continues to be one of the most effective condition monitoring tools for the asset owners and maintenance professionals alike. For a relatively low cost it provides very early detection of potential problems and enables significant maintenance cost avoidance and production downtime. However, there are many other cost benefits stemming from oil testing. ALS customises the most cost-effective test packages to suit your needs. We have also developed real time Return on Investment (ROI) calculators to assist with your business justification. 


Blend plant & contract lab

ALS offers testing services to ensure blend plants are maintaining a consistent level of quality regarding both the raw materials being used and the final product prior to distribution. These services include:

  • design, establishment and management of dedicated onsite quality assurance laboratories 
  • off-site 3rd party verification testing 
  • establishment of client dedicated 3rd party used oil analysis laboratory