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Atmospheric leaching

ALS offers a full range of atmospheric acid and alkaline leaching at the Hydrometallurgical Centre of Excellence (HCE). Services covering basic simple amenability leach tests, progressing to scoping studies on master composites, right through to bankable feasibility studies encompassing comprehensive leach optimisation, process validation and variability studies.

Atmospheric leaching testwork services

Atmospheric leaching covers a range of apparatus set-ups and test conditions, and given the relative ease of this form of leaching, ALS can accommodate just about any scenario, as follows:

An atmospheric Leach Skid (cascade circuit with up to seven stages including ferric precipitation; volume ~74 – 134 L/stage; Hastelloy agitated steel tanks; 95 to 100ºC operation) is also available for continuous processing.

In addition to the above, all the generic pre and post laboratory tasks such as feed characterisation, particle size, rheology and representative sampling, monitoring, handling and dispatch, are available.

Don't see what you need or are unsure about some of the services and associated requirements?

We understand that metallurgical testwork is not a one size fits all or a pick off a menu proposition, and so we are happy to help walk you through the process. Or you might know exactly what you want and just need some clarifications.

No problem. Please contact us for further details.

Here are some frequently asked questions

Associated testwork services

Leach testwork rarely happens in isolation and typically many other processes are required pre and post leaching testwork, as follows: Sample Characterization, Mineralogy, rheology, solid liquid separation including flocculation and settling, impurity removal, Iron control chemistry, tailings management, materials of construction selection testwork (corrosion coupons) preliminary piloting and fully integrated piloting.

Click on the above links or contact us for further information. We can integrate a full program for you if required.