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Roasting & salcination

Roasting and calcination is an important pyrometallurgical process using superheated gas to either oxidize or decompose valuable minerals (or salts) into a leachable or water-soluble form for downstream extraction. The application of roasting and calcination in the oxidation of sulphides has been used for centuries, but in recent times with the processing of energy metals it is becoming more important than ever. ALS has an extensive range of roasting and calcination capabilities, primarily at benchscale level and can incorporate roasting and calcination seamlessly into a complex hydrometallurgical program.

Roasting & calcination services

Roasting and calcination essentially revolves around the available furnaces and gas delivery mechanisms to control the atmosphere at temperature. ALS's benchscale furnaces include the following:

Common roasting and calcining applications are:

Note that ALS has strong alliances with local furnace manufacturers and can have bespoke furnaces fabricated to suit a specific roasting application.

Also, in cases where international kiln vendors have been engaged, ALS will happily organise the dispatch of testwork products (i.e. roast/calcination feed) to external vendors and receive calcine product back for further testing.

Don't see what you need or are unsure about some of the services and associated requirements?

Hydrometallurgical testwork is always complex, and so we are happy to help walk you through the process, or meet your requirements exactly.

Please contact us for further details.

Here are some frequently asked questions

Associated testwork services

Roasting and calcination never happens in isolation and typically many other processes are inter-related, such as leaching, CCD, filtration, recycles, impurity removal, purification etc.

Click on the above links or contact us for further information. We can integrate a full program for you if required.