
Sample preparation

ALS recognises that sample preparation is essential to produce a representative, homogenous sub-sample from the original raw material. We offer many methods and packages that include drying, crushing, splitting, pulverising, screening and various other procedures. Specialised sample preparation protocols can be customised to suit the requirements of any project.


Core services

ALS Core Services encompasses core handling, core sawing and sampling, secure logging facilities, core photography, hyperspectral imaging and processing; and warehouse management. Core photographs can be viewed in CoreViewer™, available as part of our web-based client portal Webtrieve™. The images can be viewed in relation to associated geochemical results.


Generative exploration

ALS methods for generative exploration utilise our innovative ICP-MS technology for super trace analysis, pushing detection limits orders of magnitude below average crustal abundance for most elements. This allows excellent precision at geochemical background levels and, therefore, improved anomaly definition. ALS remains committed to solving long-standing analytical challenges in exploration geochemistry through adoption of new techniques and instrumentation, and fresh ideas from our expert analytical chemists and geochemists.


Precious metals analysis

ALS has decades of experience in reliable and reproducible precious metals analysis. We understand the challenges in geochemical analysis posed by the unique properties of gold, silver, and other platinum group elements. They often occur heterogeneously in geological materials, ranging from micron-sized inclusions in minerals to large nuggets. As a result, large analytical aliquots are often required to accurately represent content in the overall sample. A range of weights is available for methods including fire assay, cyanide leach, and aqua regia digestion for determination at parts-per-billion to percent concentrations.


Base metals analysis

From exploration sampling to resource assays, ALS has a deep knowledge of base metals analysis. The choice of method for your program will depend on the mineralogy of the samples and the expected concentration range for the elements of interest. We offer methods with aqua regia digestion, four-acid digestion, fusion decomposition, and targeted mineral leaches. Detection ranges extend from our super-trace spectroscopy methods to 100% concentrations in element specific classical chemistry methods.


Energy, battery & critical minerals analysis

Many recent technological advances are driven by elements that support battery and electronic technologies that previously did not exist. ALS's technical team continues to actively develop geochemical methods applicable for the various minerals being targeted by explorers that support the global transition to new energy production, storage and use technologies.


Bulk commodity analysis

ALS offers fusion decomposition and XRF methods to analyse bulk commodities such as iron ore and bauxite. We have a long history working with these routine analytical methods, along with more specialised methods that can be used to better characterise bulk ore types. Common methods used include available alumina, reactive silica and kaolinitic silica for bauxite, Davis Tube Recovery for iron ore, loss on ignition and more. Many of these methods have been developed to provide indications of potential challenges that a particular sample type may encounter during mineral processing.


Geochemical rock characterisation

ALS and our extensive group of partners offer a range of geochemical analytical products that are useful for lithological investigations for industry and academic applications. The investigation of ore-forming processes is often enhanced by lithogeochemical characterisations. This can include whole rock analysis, dating of specific minerals, stable and/or radiogenic isotope determinations, carbon and sulphur analysis, and detailed mineralogy studies.


Quality control & assurance

The cornerstone of our business is providing exceptional quality assays. We achieve this with a global quality program designed to integrate rigorous quality requirements from sample preparation through analysis and extending all the way to warehousing. Quality is an integral part of day-to-day activities and involves all levels of ALS for implementation and monitoring. This is possible due to a truly integrated global laboratory information management system (LIMS) that manages quality requirements and allows for real-time management oversight. The global quality program includes internal and external inter-laboratory test programs and regularly scheduled internal audits that meet all requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 9001:2015.


Digital products

ALS provides a key point of differentiation by offering a variety of digital products that are designed to help you make the most of your geochemical data. Products include Webtrieve™, which can be used to track the progress of sample batches entered into our system and retrieve sample results including laboratory routine QAQC. Hosted on the Webtrieve™ platform are CoreViewer™ and ALS QCPro™. There is even the option to monitor batches and results from a mobile device using the ALS Geochemistry App that includes our results monitoring applications: Process Control Alerts™ and Overlimits Alerts™. These alert systems deliver timely email or SMS notifications when a process sample exceeds user-defined limits, or a geochemical result exceeds the upper limit of a method. With these alerts action can be taken swiftly to address a mine-process issue or move on an interesting result.

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