Environmental monitoring


Our global network of laboratories has a broad range of accredited capabilities and experience to support your Environmental Monitoring needs across:

With a commitment to innovation for newly regulated and emerging contaminants, we have global expertise in data management to support your Electronic Data Management System (EDMS) workflow needs. Our dedicated client service and project management staff are ready to help deliver timely analytical proposals to meet your project needs, from sample management, and logistics, to technical support through result delivery.

Environmental testing for mining

At ALS we provide laboratory testing for some of the most remote mine site locations on earth. Our Client Service and Project Management team have the experience to support your sample logistics challenges; from sample container supply, field sampling (where applicable), sample miniaturisation to reduce field HSE risks, and return of samples to the laboratory to maintain sample integrity for temperature and holding times.


Groundwater monitoring

ALS is your project partner to support the challenges of groundwater monitoring and remediation at contaminated sites.  The accuracy of our data will assist with both the assessment of contaminant mobility across the aquifer as well as monitoring impact levels through the remediation process.  ALS is continually innovating our testing methods to miniaturise sample container requirements, improving your safety and efficiency in the field through smaller sample volume requirements.


Surface water

ALS has gained an enviable global reputation as the laboratory of choice for sampling and analysis of surface waters. Whether your monitoring needs are focussed on routine parameters, emerging contaminants or require ultra-trace levels of detection we are here to support your project needs.


Sediment and biota

ALS is your partner of choice to support the challenges of sediment monitoring and the testing of biota. Sediment can pose a significant risk to the environment with the potential to serve as a long-term reservoir of accumulated contaminants. Polluted sediments have potential toxic effects on biotic resources and to human health via the food chain.

The investigation of sediments is often complemented by the testing of biota.

Take the next step

Connect with the right environmental partner for the right solutions. Discover the advantage of quality-assured sampling and analysis services.

Get in touch with us.

Have questions or comments about our services? Please send us a message and we will get in touch with you soon.