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ALS receives accreditation for environmental testing in Halifax, Nova Scotia
02 OCT 2023
ALS will expand its support of environmental testing requirements across Canada with the accreditation by the Canadian Association of Laboratory Accreditation (CALA) of its Halifax, Nova Scotia location.
ALS has been serving Canadian clients through the Halifax location since November 2022, when it was launched as a regional service centre. With this accreditation, ALS is now better able to support its clients by providing an additional laboratory for testing requirements in the Atlantic region. Located just across the Halifax Harbour in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, the laboratory is situated in the Burnside Industrial Park near the majority of consulting firms in Atlantic Canada.
Leveraging its operational hub-and-spoke model, ALS will complete short hold time tests in the Halifax lab – including microbiology, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) testing – while continuing to send the remainder of analyses to its hub labs. ALS plans to build out more opportunities for testing at Halifax in the coming months and years.
"This is a milestone achievement," said Mike Doucet, Regional Manager, Environmental. "It is a truly great start for expanding the ALS network in Atlantic Canada."
About ALS ALS provides comprehensive testing solutions to clients in a wide range of industries around the world. Leveraging state-of-the-art technologies and innovative methodologies, our dedicated professionals deliver the highest quality testing services using local expertise and personalized solutions. The ALS mission is using the power of testing to solve complex challenges. With a passion for science, we serve clients with data-driven insights for a safer and healthier world.
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