EnviroMail 80 Australia - Data Management Innovation and Support
Looking to enhance your digital strategy for data management? Look no further than ALS and our suite of digital integration tools! eQuote, eCOC, and eSRN solutions are the key to achieving streamlined, efficient, and error-free laboratory testing results.

At ALS, we recognise the importance of data integrity, efficiency, and timely delivery of seamless results as part of your Digital Strategy. In support of this we offer opportunities to enhance integrations between laboratory and Environmental Database Management Systems (EDMS), creating a digital workflow that represents a strong value proposition for transitioning from paper submissions for all our clients.
Over the last decade, we have worked closely with major industry clients and software vendors, making us the first laboratory to develop a fully integrated digital solution for EQuISTM and ESDATTM. Through this process, we actively participated in the design, development, and testing of Issue 80 / April 2023 Electronic Quotes (eQuotes), Electronic Chain of Custody (eCOC), and Electronic Sample Receipt Notification (eSRN). The outcome is a fully integrated digital workflow process that delivers efficiencies across various digital touchpoints between client, laboratory, and data vendor, as illustrated in our ALS Digital Integration Model.
ALS has always delivered high quality analytical results in an Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) format as part of our commitment to providing exceptional client support. However, we recognise that the traditional approach of handling EDD, pre- and post-delivery, manually by the client with little interaction with the laboratory, is now obsolete. This has driven collaboration with other data vendors and our shared clients to incorporate our digital workflow models into their sample scheduling applications.
We are now pleased to offer a dedicated 'Client Services – Digital' team to provide direct support to clients as they embark on their digital journey.
eQuote is created by ALS and is the key to successful digital integration. The eQuote defines the analytical details (tests, LORs, containers etc.) in a common digital language between ALS, data vendor and clients. The use of eQuotes enables the selection of specific methods to ensure our clients’ test results meet their individual project requirements. It can also define unique container requirements based on the analysis requested, giving client users the potential to accurately plan their sampling event requirements within their existing sample scheduling applications.
eCOC is created by the client using EDMS, utilising data imported from the eQuote. Rather than replacing the traditional COC, eCOC provides all relevant information required for sample submission to the laboratory. This digital submission can be forwarded at the completion of field sampling ahead of the physical submission of the samples to the laboratory. The eCOC file is then loaded directly into ALS’ LIMS eliminating the potential for transcription or interpretational errors and increasing efficiencies in receipt to committal time.
eSRN potentially represents the highest value proposition for clients in the workflow chain. It has always been standard practice for ALS to issue clients a SRN.pdf report following receipt of samples enabling clients to check the details of sample submission. This provides a chance to correct any errors that may affect client Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) prior to completion of the analysis. The eSRN allows an automation of this previously manual validation process, reconciling confirmation of receipt of samples and the analytical requirements against the requirements of their individual DQO’s stored within the EMDS and identifying in real time breaches that may warrant immediate attention. eSRNs can also be stored in perpetuity in a central location within the clients EDMS benefiting future audit processes. At ALS, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive analytical results in a format that is compatible with most clients EDMS systems. Our direct upload process incorporates email notifications and immediate rectification of any non-conforming results, giving our clients peace of mind and confidence in their testing results.
To learn more about how ALS can help you achieve your laboratory testing goals, contact our Digital Client Services team at DigitalAPAC@alsglobal.com.