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Help us evaluate beauty products from leading brands
Beauty brands depend on feedback from diverse consumers to help ensure the quality of their products for everyone. Find out how you can receive compensation for joining our clinical trials of a wide range of new cosmetic products.
The importance of clinical testing
Insights from Barry T. Reece, MS, MBA, Beauty & Personal Care, General Manager, ALS
Research participants play a crucial role in the development of new cosmetic products, particularly when it comes to ensuring safety and efficacy. Your involvement in testing will provide essential data that helps both established and start up cosmetic companies create products that are effective and safe for consumer use.
We test many different types of products for body, hair, and skin care, so the risks depend on how each person may react with the specific product. However, if there is a reaction, we have qualified staff at each location to assist. The benefits of testing products are potentially great results and finding new cosmetic products you will love, while also getting paid for your participation.
All research is conducted by trained staff who are responsible for your safety and health during the entire process. Our studies are funded by the cosmetics brands themselves, who rely on consumer trials to help ensure the quality of their products.
The duration of each trial depends on the specific needs of each test, as the protocols can differ. At the beginning of a study, our team will explain the details of the trial to you.
Yes, you may decide not to participate in or withdraw from a trial at any time. Be aware, though, that to receive full compensation, you must complete the study.
At the completion of a trial, you will receive your compensation, and our recruitment team will discuss options for your possible participation in other trials.
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Pague com Visa, Mastercard ou American Express. A moeda é processada em dólares australianos (AUD). Será aplicada uma taxa adicional de cartão de crédito de 0,8 % (Visa/MC) ou 1,5 % (AMEX) a todas as transações (incluindo GST aplicável).
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Valores a receber +61 7 3212 5498
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